2024-03-26 | Big Band Swing/Jazz
特別節目:TPO 踢霹歐大樂團
預告:10/24 星期二 TPO大樂團表演 時間:20:00-22:00 特色:22人的大型爵士搖擺樂團演出 歌手 :Sheridan Zurther 訂位:請儘速撥打 (02) 2717-6626 地點:SMEXY 音樂餐廳 樂團: TPO Band 踢霹歐樂團 (Taipei Professional’s Orchestra) 團長:Jim Geddes 高杰 經理:Derrick Lin 林克安 說明: A big band or jazz orchestra is a type of musical ensemble of jazz music that usually consists of ten or more musicians with four sections: saxophones, trumpets, trombones, and a rhythm section. Big bands originated during the early 1910s and dominated jazz in the early 1940s when swing was most popular. The term "big band" is also used to describe a genre of music, although this was not the only style of music played by big bands. Big bands started as accompaniment for dancing. In contrast to the typical jazz emphasis on improvisation, big bands relied on written compositions and arrangements. They gave a greater role to bandleaders, arrangers, and sections of instruments rather than soloists. #現場音樂 #現場樂團 #爵士 #歡樂時光 #燭光晚餐 #藍調 #靈魂樂 #節奏藍調 #放客 #大樂團 #搖擺樂 #livemusic #liveband #jazz #musicrestaurant #loungebar #happyhour #candlelightdinner #blues #jazzandblues #urbanjazz #rhythmandblues #soul #funk #bigband #swing